Did you know the St. Mary’s Labs team is responsible for almost 75% of diagnoses in our Hospital?
Our Labs staff of almost 100 serve not only our inpatients but also the St. Mary’s community at large.
They provide results to physicians so they can diagnose and treat patients. The Transfusion Department ensures compatibility and distribution of blood products. Pathology diagnoses cancers and Microbiology identify bacterial infections, which allows physicians to treat patients with the appropriate antibiotics.
Enzo Caprio, Clinical Administrative Director of the OptiLab Networks is incredibly proud:
This team are Lab heroes, they are dedicated and hard working, especially today with staff shortages, they perform miracles everyday.
Enzo Caprio
Enzo, and members of his team, are all smiles as they celebrate their newly renovated staff lounge, including a wall-size photograph by staff member and award winning photographer, Gerry Vincent (pictured here with his photography). Gerry also has a large photo featured in our Hospital Emergency Department.
Enzo says everyone really appreciates the new lounge: “…where one can take a break and detach, the renovations have made a very big difference.”