The Foundation would like to thank all those involved in making these fundraising initiatives successful and thus helping the Hospital provide compassionate bedside care 24/7. Listed below are some of the special Community Events that take place throughout the year.
Interested in hosting your own fundraising event for St. Mary’s? Please contact Cindy Aikman by email or at 514-345-3511 ext. 3332 to discuss the details.
Stylianos and Evaggelia Evangelinaras are an ambitious brother-sister duo who run the annual Whack-a-Ball Fundraiser to raise funds for St. Mary’s Cancer Care.
Click to find out more about their event!

Gayle Hutchison was determined to make a difference in the lives of patients at St. Mary’s and while undergoing cancer treatment herself, she established a golf tournament to raise funds for St. Mary’s Community Cancer Care Program. Twenty-five years later, this event remains steadfast in carrying on Gayle’s mission, honouring her memory and raising more than $429,456 to date.
Click here for more information

Friends of St. Mary’s Golf Tournament
Each fall as the leaves start to turn, the Friends of St. Mary’s Auxiliary gather in a spirited game of golf to raise funds for not one but TWO bursaries for nursing research at St. Mary’s. This wonderful initiative enjoys much success year after year and allows us to continue to invest in our valuable nurses.