Can listening to music at night help older patients sleep while admitted to the Hospital?
St. Mary’s Dr. Julia Chabot and Geriatric Resident Dr. Sophia Mondestin are spearheading a new study to find out.

Not sleeping well is a big issue with admitted patients. Prescribing medication for sleep is not a preferred solution because of the possible side effects. Music could be an ideal non-pharmacological option to help promote sleep.
Dr.’s Chabot and Mondestin are currently recruiting geriatric patients over the next 6 months to participate. The patients are being given a comfortable headband equipped with Bluetooth technology to wear to bed at night. The patients are organized into 3 groups:
- Patients who will listen to relaxing music
- Patients who will listen to non-instrumental music (nature sounds like rain or waves)
- A control group – patients who will not listen to anything
Sleep results are then being collected through smart watches and questionnaires.
St. Mary’s Geriatric Unit Head Nurse on 5 North, Samantha Santilli says this innovative and patient-family centered approach to care is just one of many different projects we are working on to ultimately better serve our clientele.