As a proud member of St. Mary’s APDP (Association of Physicians, Dentists & Pharmacists), we have the privilege of sharing news from our Hepatology Department.
We are incredibly proud to have recently on-boarded a new state-of-the-art liver scanner that is putting St. Mary’s at the forefront of patient care in liver disease. The FibroScan® 630 Expert has become the nucleus of our new Hepatology Services at our Hospital, offering our patients a completely non-invasive, simple and painless procedure that takes only 10 minutes. It uses ultrasound to see how much scarring and fat might be present in the liver, providing essential information that may even eliminate the need for a liver biopsy in some cases. In addition, the Fibroscan also allows for an evaluation of the spleen, a feature only available right now in 2 other centres in Canada.
My colleagues and I are eternally grateful to St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation for its recognition of the importance of liver health in patient care.
Dr. Karen Matouk, MD, FRCPC, ABIM
Division of Gastroenterology
Assistant professor of Medicine, McGill University