It may be all too common for you to be hearing the sounds of buzzing and hammering on your shift at St. Mary’s. As our current Hospital building was built in 1934, we need to periodically undergo renovations and upgrades to meet the growing needs of our patients and staff. In the past months, with the generous support of the St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation Community, we have embarked on several projects to modernize our facilities, increase capacity and improve timely access to the highest level of patient-centered care.
Here is what we have been up to!
1st Floor Residents Lounge
Dozens of St. Mary’s Residents on any given rotation, now have a recently completed comfy, clean new space to store their belongings, change, eat and take a cat nap.

Emilie Poitout, Site Chief of St. Mary’s Residents in the newly renovated lounge.
2nd Floor Day Surgery Waiting Room
A complete refurbishing which includes a new lighting system, brand new furniture and the installation of photographs by our very own staff, makes the waiting room much more comfortable for our patients. The check-in area has also been updated to improve the functionality for our staff. Still to come – TV screens equipped with a tracking system so that family members can monitor their loved-one’s progress through their surgical procedures.

The 2nd floor surgical day waiting room with photos by some of our St. Mary’s staff.
5th Floor In-Patient Cancer Care and Palliative Care Facilities
Work is continuing on this important project that has been given great consideration and taken lots of planning. When completed, each room will be equipped with the latest in equipment and furniture to offer our patients a more comfortable “home-like” space.

Renovation in progress!
8th Floor Nurses Lounge
The lounge is being refurbished to provide our nurses with a new, comfortable place to repose and recharge. This project is an important investment in our valuable staff as our 8th floor facilities are preparing to receive patients during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stay tuned for the AFTER picture!